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Join the next Society of Digital Psychiatry and JMIR Mental Health webinar

Supporting Eating Disorder Treatment with AI and Digital Technology

August 28th, 2024, 12PM ET
Jon Torous during a previous webinar.

Why should I attend? 

The Society of Digital Psychiatry in collaboration with JMIR Mental Health, an open access, peer-reviewed journal published by JMIR Publications, invites you to a webinar titled Supporting Eating Disorder Treatment with AI and Digital Technology.

Historically, the use of digital technology has been cautiously avoided in the treatment of eating disorders. However, recent advancements have brought artificial intelligence (AI) into the fold.  While this shift has sparked some controversy, it presents exciting opportunities to leverage AI and digital technologies to better support individuals with eating disorders and their communities.

Join us for an insightful discussion, as Gemma Sharp, PhD, and Sara Marini, BA, delve into the controversies and opportunities surrounding the use of AI for eating disorder support, They will also share insights from their pioneering work of implementing a rule-based chatbot in the National Eating Disorder Information Centre.

Meet The Panel

A-Prof Gemma Sharp_Current (2)

Gemma Sharp, PhD

Associate Professor Gemma Sharp leads the Body Image and Eating Disorders Research Program at Monash University. She also directs the international Consortium for Research in Eating Disorders (CoRe-ED), launching in September 2024. As a clinical psychologist, Dr. Sharp has spearheaded AI and digital health initiatives since 2018. Her focus is on using technology to support those with body image, eating, and trauma-related issues. She also collaborates with researchers and developers through the Stanford Psychiatry Immersive Technology Consortium.

Sara Marini

Sara Marini, BA

Sara Marini is the operations and communications coordinator at the National Eating Disorder Information Centre (NEDIC) in Toronto, Canada. Her work at NEDIC supports digital transformation, including the introduction of live chat helpline services and the forthcoming launch of the JEM™ chatbot—a collaboration between NEDIC and researchers at Monash University. Sara is a Master of Public Policy candidate at McMaster University, Hamilton, Canada.

John Torous, MD, MBI

John Torous, MD, MBI

Dr. Torous directs the Digital Psychiatry division at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, affiliated with Harvard Medical School. He's a psychiatrist and faculty member, with a background in engineering and computer science. He completed his education at UC Berkeley and UC San Diego before pursuing residency and fellowships at Harvard. He's a leading figure in exploring mobile mental health technologies, with numerous publications and leadership roles in psychiatric associations and research programs. Additionally, he serves as the editor-in-chief of JMIR Mental Health.